Wellness Guide

Welcome to our Pet Wellness Guide! Our in-house clinical consultant, Dr. Lisa has been working with Pet Butler® to help keep pet owners up to date on the latest pet wellness news!

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Veterinarian and Pet Butler consultant, Dr. Lisa McIntyre, sitting next to a medium sized white and brown dog.
Pet Depressions Image

Tips For Pet Sitting A Dog With Depression

As pet sitters, you’ve got the unique experience of caring for a multitude of pets.…

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What Causes Pet Depression?

We know that our canine companions are sensitive, intuitive creatures. They pick up on their…

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Is Your Pet Depressed?

Dogs are complex animals with social, mental, and physical needs much like our own. They…

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What Will Happen To Our Pets When We Return To Work?

With vaccines becoming more and more available, it’s only a matter of time before things…

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What Are Ways to Ease Pet Anxiety? 

Anxiety is not just a condition reserved for humans. Pets can suffer from anxiety too.…


The Healing Power of Pets 

It’s no secret that dogs are amazing creatures. Whether they are snuggling up on the couch or…

Dog Waiting

How Do I Keep My Pets Calm While I am Away? 

When traveling for the holidays, it can get complicated when you have limited space and…

Sleeping Dogs

Preparing Your Pup For Day Light Savings Time  

For some people, Daylight Savings Time can throw their sleep cycle slightly out of sync.…

Pet Butler - Evolution of Dogs

The Evolution Of Dogs

Man’s best friend, the dog, has been our greatest companion for generations. Our mutualistic relationship…

Small, blue Pet Butler logoed flag pinned to a map.

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