Wellness Guide

Welcome to our Pet Wellness Guide! Our in-house clinical consultant, Dr. Lisa has been working with Pet Butler® to help keep pet owners up to date on the latest pet wellness news!

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Veterinarian and Pet Butler consultant, Dr. Lisa McIntyre, sitting next to a medium sized white and brown dog.
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The Lifesaving Mission of Animal Shelters and Dog Adoption 

The Role of Animal Shelters and Rescues Animal shelters and rescues play a crucial role…

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Are You Ready for a Dog?

A dog can be a wonderful addition to a home, but pet ownership is a…

Adopting A Pet - Shelter Dog - Image

How To Adjust Your Shelter Pet To Home Life

Are you planning to adopt a furry friend in the near future? Perhaps you’ve recently…

Dog hugging dog two dogs

Should You Get Another Dog?  

You may not realize it, but your dog benefits from your companionship, both emotionally and…


What to Know When Getting a New Puppy

Puppies are a lot like human children – the amount of time, expense, and emotion…

Picking your family dog

How To Choose the Right Dog for Your Family

Round, lean, short, tall, active, sedentary, long-haired, wiry-haired, fuzzy-faced DOGS! It’s incredible how creatures in…

Senior dog and cat on couch

Senior Pet Adoption

Are you considering pet adoption but unsure whether to choose a puppy or kitten? Think…

Small, blue Pet Butler logoed flag pinned to a map.

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