Wellness Guide

Welcome to our Pet Wellness Guide! Our in-house clinical consultant, Dr. Lisa has been working with Pet Butler to help keep pet owners up to date on the latest pet wellness news!

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Veterinarian and Pet Butler consultant, Dr. Lisa McIntyre, sitting next to a medium sized white and brown dog.

Pet Wellness Categories

Puppy in cage

Puppy Mills: Profits Over Dogs’ Well-Being

Do you ever wonder where all those cute puppies sold in pet stores come from?…

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A Guide to Your Pet’s Diet

As pet owners, we all want the best for our furry friends, and feeding them…

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Understanding Intestinal Parasites in Dogs

Roundworms What are roundworms? Roundworms describe a many different worm parasites. The most common dog…

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Dog DNA Testing

From Ancestry to Health Insights Utilizing only a tiny fraction of your dog’s DNA, emerging…

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The Importance of Spaying and Neutering Your Pet 

Over the past few decades, veterinary medicine has witnessed remarkable advancements: injectable long-acting antibiotics, DNA…

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The Pet Parent’s Checklist: How to Assess Your Pet’s Health in Minutes

  Why It’s Good to Keep Tabs on Your Furry Friend’s Health Proper diet, exercise,…

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How Much Exercise Does a Dog Need?

Humans need regular exercise to maintain optimal health. By moving our bodies, we strengthen bones…

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What You Need to Know: The Difference Between Raw Food, Freeze-Dried Food and Kibble

These days, eating options for our canine friends are about as diverse as they are…

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How to Help Your Pet Lose Weight

First, you identified that your pet has a weight problem. Now, you need to find…

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