Wellness Guide

Welcome to our Pet Wellness Guide! Our in-house clinical consultant, Dr. Lisa has been working with Pet Butler® to help keep pet owners up to date on the latest pet wellness news!

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Veterinarian and Pet Butler consultant, Dr. Lisa McIntyre, sitting next to a medium sized white and brown dog.
Husky swimming

What Are Some Pet Tips to Beat the Summer Heat?

Summer is the time of year when people may choose to spend time outside, soaking…

fourth of july dog

Fourth of July Pet Safety Tips

With all the excitement and preparation that occurs as we celebrate our nation’s independence on…

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Dogs in Hot Cars and on Hot Pavement

  Dogs in Hot Cars Why Are Hot Cars Dangerous to Dogs? When pets love…

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Types of Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs

Taking care of a loved one, whether it be human or animal, involves many of…

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Picking Safe Holiday Dog Toys and Treats

Here are some criteria to consider when purchasing anything that your pet may ingest, carry,…

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What Are Places That Serve Dog-Friendly Food?

Pet owners hate leaving their pets at home. It’s a thing. Our dogs are lonely without…

Blog water safety tips keep your pet healthy featured image

Water Safety Tips: Keep Your Pet Healthy

  The humid, sultry days of summer are upon us, and what better way to…

Shampoo Dog

What Is The Right Shampoo For Your Pet?

Oftentimes, it’s difficult for dog owners to know which products are best for their furry…

Pet Friendly Flowers Image

A Guide To Pet-Friendly Flower Gardens

Now that spring is in full bloom, you’ll want to plant flowers and shrubs to…

Small, blue Pet Butler logoed flag pinned to a map.

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