Wellness Guide

Welcome to our Pet Wellness Guide! Our in-house clinical consultant, Dr. Lisa has been working with Pet Butler® to help keep pet owners up to date on the latest pet wellness news!

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Veterinarian and Pet Butler consultant, Dr. Lisa McIntyre, sitting next to a medium sized white and brown dog.
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Training Tips for Your Dog

As a “pet parent”, it can be easy to overlook some behaviors that others find…

dog dreams

Do Dogs Dream? Understanding the Twitches and Running

If I had to guess what my dogs dream about when they enter the REM…

pet insurance

Pet Coverage: Is Pet Insurance Worth It For Your Dog?

With more technology to diagnose and treat diseases such as cancer and chronic pain, pet…

dog socialization

Making Friends: Socializing Your Dog With Humans and Other Dogs

According to the ASPCA’s National Pet Rehoming survey conducted in 2015, 47% of the 3.3…

A Stinky Situation: Dog Anal Gland Problems

There’s no polite way to introduce this topic: pet anal glands. These are mysterious, marble-sized,…

dog food

Portion Control: How Much Should I Feed My Dog?

Portion control and regulation: it’s something we Americans sorely lack and not only do our…

candle pet safety

Are Candles, Essential Oils, and Air Fresheners Safe For Pets?

Evoking memories of pumpkin patch visits, jumping in falling leaves, and eating apple cider donuts,…

pet shuttle transport service

Pet Transport: Local One Way or Round Trip Pet Shuttle Service

Your workday ends at four on Friday and your middle schooler has soccer practice until…

dog vision

What Colors Do Dogs See?

As we head into Fall, it’s a great time to go outside with your dog…

Small, blue Pet Butler logoed flag pinned to a map.

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